Innovation Practitioner Certification / MATRIZ L1 Certification program
(3-Day Course)
21 PDUs Awarded
Program Objective
One of the key skills in learning TRIZ and applying it is the skill of reflection. Modern education has not educated the student the skill of self introspection which is extremely important in learning and developing a student’s mind during the process of education of TRIZ.
Program Structure and Program Methodology
The 3-day Instructor-Led-Training (ILT) will cover 5 modules as per outline shown in sidebar.
The 5 modules with 20 assignments emphasize balanced development of left-brain and right-brain.
Further to the lessons the teacher may ask the student to repeat some exercises or be given additional tasks to work on to ensure that the student understanding is complete.
QAI will share templates, articles and other inputs with participants during the program.
Certification requirement
- Participants have to fulfill the submission requirements of 20 assignments.
- Additionally participants have to demonstrate application of concepts in a real world project.
Participants will be assessed individually based on the quality of their submissions to the facilitator.
Course Outline
Module 1
- Introduction to Innovation
- Types of problems
- Levels of creativity
Module 2
- Element-Name of Parameter-Value of Parameter (ENV)
- Identifying and Formulating Contradictions
- Main Useful Function (MUF)
- Hierarchy of functions
- Technique of generating Inventive Problem
Module 3
- Principles of Fantasy Creation
- Ideal Final Result (IFR)
- Robinson Crusoe Technique
- Resource Thinking
Module 4
- Goldfish Method or the Analysis of Fantastic Situations
- Contradiction Algorithm
- Contradiction Table
Module 5
- Goldfish Method or the Analysis of Fantastic Situations
- System Thinking and Root-Conflict-Analysis
- System Operator or Multi-screen thinking
- Tendencies Method
- Introduction to S-curve Analysis