To ensure the sustainability of the deployment of the Lean practices on process excellence, QAI helps organizations in the following stages:
1. Identify Projects
- Projects are identified through a diagnostic study that studies the key processes that have a high impact on the business
- The organization then identifies the core team of Lean Practitioners who will be working on these processes.
- The team is provided with a detailed questionnaire by QAI for preliminary information gathering
2. Train core team of Lean Practitioners
- QAI facilitator conducts a 3-day Lean Practitioner workshop for the core team of Lean Practitioners
- For re-engineering projects, the team of Lean Practitioners must comprise of members with cross-functional exposure and expertise
3. Study Processes
- The team under the guidance of the QAI facilitator undertakes a study of the identified processes using different tools and concepts of Lean such as Value Stream Mapping
4. Analyze Processes
- The team then performs an analysis using different tools and concepts for identification of waste and for introducing continuous flow
5. Deploy Recommended Changes
- The team under the guidance of the QAI facilitator comes out with the recommended action plans for improvements
- A pilot is initiated to identify and resolve any secondary problems
6. Observe and Sustain the Improvements
- The success of the pilot is then replicated across the process and the performance is observed over a period of time.
- Any secondary problems are identified and resolved