QAI provides assurance services to measure the maturity of an organization’s engineering processes against Software Engineering Institute’s (SEI) Integrated (CMMI). The services include:

  • CMMI Gap Analysis (CGA) – This is a formal “quick” assessment methodology based on the Benchmark Appraisal Class B and C. Both approaches reveal the strengths and weaknesses in the organization’s software process improvement program, at varying levels of detail.
  • Pre-Appraisal – This is an informal appraisal based on the same guidelines as the Registered Benchmark Appraisal Class A appraisal. This acts like a mock appraisal and is performed by an ISACA Authorized Lead Appraiser.
  • Formal Appraisal – Benchmark Appraisal (CLASS A) – This method is used to identify strengths, weaknesses, and ratings relative to the CMMI reference model and is the only appraisal approach for obtaining an official ISACA maturity level rating.

QAI also offers Test Process Assessment (TPA)of an organization’s methods, tools, practices, organizational structure, and environment used to test a software product and project. It is designed to help IT organizations benchmark their practices with industry standard models and frameworks like Test Process Improvement (TPI), TMM, or TMMI. The Test Process Assessment is aligned to different certification bodies like QAI, ISTQB, IIST.

Taking inspiration from SFIA Framework of UK, QAI has developed a role based competency framework for Software Professionals, namely Universal Competency Framework for Testers (UCFT). The competency framework is aligned to the Bodies of Knowledge of reputed certifications from organizations like QAI, ISTQB, IIST, and process frameworks like CMMI, TMM, TPI and TMMI.