Our Design & Innovation Practice

Operating in the service design domain, we use design to help businesses build services that people love and impact the world around us. Using human centred approach with robust methodology, we equip our clients to solve wicked problems by helping them reach a solution that is not just right, but also desirable.

Transforming Businesses, Building Products, Creating Experiences

In today’s world, expectations are liquid and constant adaptation is essential to be relevant.

By collaborating with our clients, putting customer experience and the power of great design at the heart of everything, we help our clients build services that are not only profitable and scalable, but also desirable by the consumer.

Following our training and consulting model, we transform organisations, start-ups and other ventures by training and consulting them in the ethos of design thinking.

What We Do

We believe in the philosophy that ‘One size does NOT fit all’. And that every organization with its challenges is unique.

Our clients co-create with our Designers-in-Residence to solve for the right questions.

Lean & Being Design Led for Startups

We believe in the power of Start-ups, and value the Start-up culture as the most fertile ground for innovation, agility and design implementation.

The Lean Start-up approach seeks to effectively serve customers’ needs through a systematic, low-risk path to innovating in the face of uncertainty. This is critical for any Start-up, looking to make an impact, be profitable and make progress.

We offer special coaching and consultation to Start-ups that are tailor made to the specific startup and its own unique set of challenges, ambitions and goals.

Design Thinking Training

We offer trainings, workshops and coaching to organizations in Design Thinking to equip people to become design driven.
Understanding the customer’s voice and latent needs to building low-cost prototypes and testing them in real time has helped organisations transform their culture to become more innovative, agile and driven by activity.
And, we help our clients actualize it.

Our Course Offerings

Design Thinking: Sprints

The sprint is a five-day process for answering critical business questions through design, prototyping, and testing ideas with customers.

The Design Thinking Sprintis a philosophy or toolkit that involves specific step-by-step system for producing and testing ideas often services or product based.

Using TRIZ for Ideation and Innovation

A search for a robust and analytical tool ends at Innovation using TRIZ. It provides a potent blend of creativity and analytical approaches to get closer to ideality in solution thinking. A very good starting point is provided while creating the current Services Blueprint and definition of the HMW – How Might We statements.

Triz helps in ideation and innovation and clubbed with Design Thinking, is a powerful tool for businesses.

Design Thinking : Ideation Phase

Design Thinking for Organizations

Design Thinking is more about doing and organizations require a culture of design thinking.
We align ourselves with the user to solve problems. Eventually, bringing in analytical tools to meld data and creativity. Ideating, prototyping and iterating. It’s all about doing.

Organizations co-create with our designers to solve for real world problems and obtain real world scalable solutions to their wicked problems.


While Design Thinking helps us to address the correct problem and innovate to create better outcomes. The core philosophy lies in derailing your train of thought and getting out of your comfort zone.

Lego Serious Play is a Design Thinking Workshop that challenges you to think with your hands. Shunning traditional methods of brainstorming. This Workshop uses Lego to ideate, prototype and create solutions after getting a deeper understanding of your team and stakeholders.

Our Methodology

We follow our training and consulting model for our Design Thinking practice as well.

The first step to solving wicked problems is addressing the right question before jumping the gun. We help our clients make sense of complexity by making them understand:

  • How can a service benefit the end-user
  • What are the business outcomes it seeks to deliver
  • How to deliver the given service in the best possible way

Creative thinking is melded with logic and data to make strategic breakthroughs that are well designed.

After laying out the strategy, products and experiences are delivered through:

  • Our clients and Designers-in-Residence co-creating
  • Collaboration between design and development forces
  • Implementing a rapidly adaptable Agile process

Innovation Management

The primary reason for the need of Innovation Management is to facilitate exponential growth and to create compelling value for the customer. In the process, methods are created to transfer that value through streamlined processes and embed a real discipline around the pursuit of perfection.
We help to do Innovation and offer solutions in Innovation Management.

Innovation Practitioner Program

Innovation Practitioner Program (IPP) curriculum is designed to address the industry requirement of teaching and testing on systematic process of thinking.
The Innovation Practitioner Program focuses on both left and right brain techniques and the systematic process of inventive thinking that harmonizes their integrated potential.
Participants will be exposed to fantasy principles, core vocabulary used by successful innovators and the seven (7) core right brain skills that form the foundation of the systematic process of inventive thinking.

Know More About Innovation Practitioner Program

Over 25 years, QAI has undertaken 700 hundred customer journeys across 30 countries.