hm_imgIn order to compete successfully in the domestic and international market, the organization, needs to deliver products, services and solutions which are of high quality within time and budget constraints. This requires a strong system of good process, talented people and state-of-the-art technology.

QAI’s Consulting Services for the Software and other Knowledge intensive industry helps organizations in improving the process and people aspect of the system. The services include:

  • CMMI Consulting, Training and Appraisals: The Capability Maturity Model – Integration (CMMI) is for projects or organizations that want to improve using common, integrated processes for Systems and Software.
  • Six Sigma Consulting, Training & Certification: Six Sigma is a disciplined data driven, customer oriented approach for implementing software process improvement.
  • Software Engineering & Testing Process Quality: QAI is at the forefront of bringing new knowledge in this area to its clients by providing consulting and training on diverse topics such as software testing, project management, software estimation, test process improvement etc.

QAI has been instrumental in institutionalizing excellent software processes through implementation of both model (CMMI and/or the People CMM framework)and non-model based process improvements in over 300 leading organizations worldwide. Our clients in the software sector include Accenture, Intel, Siemens, IBM, Oracle, PWC, Motorola, Satyam, Wipro and many more.

Key Challenges

  • Delivering high quality within time and budget constraints
  • Increasing productivity
  • Managing changing requirements
  • Improving visibility of projects
  • Writing effective and implementable processes which meet the model requirement
  • Ensuring effective software process improvement and implementation across the organization
  • Interpreting the models and standards in the right spirit
  • Competency development

How can QAI Help

QAI’s wide range of training, consulting and appraisal services helps the organizations in improving process there by improving customer satisfaction by delivering quality products on time and within budget. QAI not only gives advisory consulting i.e. providing action list but also helps the organizations in actually implementing the action items by augmenting their quality team and working with them on an ongoing basis to help in process definition and implementation.

Over 25 years, QAI has undertaken 700 hundred customer journeys across 30 countries.
Contact us
Phone: +1 407-363-1111
Tollfree: 1800-103-4583
Phone: +86-21-51314155
Phone: +65-6225-8139
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