Interpreting CMMI-DEV Engineering Practices for Testing Organizations: The objective of this webinar is to provide an overview to the participants on the implementations of engineering practices of CMMI-DEV model to purely Testing Projects.
The webinar will help the participants:

  • Understand the testing lifecycle and implementation of the process areas of CMMI-DEV v1.2
  • Understand the need of CMMI-DEV in context of testing projects

Setting up the foundation for CMMI Hi-maturity: This webinar is focused on how Organizations and Quality Leaders/Members can maximize gains today by tweaking/re-aligning process definitions and corresponding implementations established at CMMI DEV v1.2 Maturity Levels 2 & 3 (Low Maturity) to enable:

  • Quantitative & innovative improvements aligned to CMMI DEV v1.2 Maturity Levels 4 & 5 practices (High Maturity) in future
  • Setting the right base for smooth, quick & effective transition from Low Maturity to High Maturity based on CMMI DEV v1.2

The webinar will help the participants:

  • Understand Low Maturity process definition & implementation of key alignment aspects that impact current or future High Maturity journey
  • Learn & establish a system of essential element cautions (EEC) for High Maturity to look out for while operating Low Maturity process areas
  • Realistically plan/validate the base approach for current or future High Maturity journey based on CMMI DEV 1.

Graphical Data Exploration Techniques used in CMMI: This webinar focuses on commonly used graphical techniques in data exploration and analysis in terms of usage and interpretation. The webinar highlights the application of such techniques in CMMI-DEV Ver. 1.2. The techniques covered are Box Plots, Interval Plots, Dot Plots, Scatter Diagrams, Marginal plots and Probability Plots.
The webinar will help the participants:

  • Understand graphical analysis techniques and how to interpret the results
  • Understand the application of these techniques in the context of CMMI-DEV ver 1.2
  • Understand which technique would be useful in which scenario(s)


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