The Innovation practice of QAI Global Services aims at achieving tangible drivers of value – quality, cost, and speed. The consulting team will help align the innovation initiative with the Critical Parameters of Value (CPV) of to channel scarce funds to the under-served areas.

In the past, the team has executed projects in engineering and non-engineering domains using the skill of innovative or critical thinking. The projects are designed to develop and strengthen the core skills of innovators – Creativity, Inventive Problem Solving, Failure Prediction, and Design of Products and Services.

QAI Global Services’ experience, expertise and robust approach brings value in the following ways:

  • Maximize return on investments in innovation deployments,
  • Achieve growth objectives by identifying underserved areas linked to the MPV to the customer,
  • Crash lengthy product development time,
  • Reduce complexity in business operations,
  • Overcome resource constraints by spurring new thinking to help organizations increase risk taking abilities and at the same time minimize implementation risks,
  • Eradicate the dilemmas of selecting the right ideas for commercialization,
  • Apply systems thinking to create robust systems, structures and solutions,
  • Resolve contradictions and not yield to sub-optimal tradeoffs.